Monday, July 23, 2012

Yo estoy pos-guardia.

I'm blogging again!! Already?!! Wow!  I'm post-call today and bummed about it.  There were some really good cases scheduled for the OR today and I can't even be at the hospital.  I got away with it last week, but got some questioning looks so figured I better not push it.  Plus....I've got to work on other things.  I'm calling residency programs today.  Say there's 200 gen surg residency programs in the states.  I spend 1.5 min on the phone with each...well I've surpassed my min limit on my cell plan right there.  It's tiring.  And after so many calls the introvert in me starts screaming...Stop! Stop! No more talking to strange people!  It's good for me though.  It's one of my goals for this lose some the introverted desire I have to hang in the back and not talk to anyone.  Plus, these phone calls are ultimately helping me narrow my residency search.  Even though it's just 1.5 minutes I can decipher a lot about a program by the attitude of who I'm talking to and even more so how they respond to my questions.  Emphasis on the HOW.  The residents that I work with at Sound Shore have also been very helpful in my whole approach to residency as a foreign med grad and answer all of my questions.  (As I left this morning I told the residents and housestaff not to have too much fun without me...they told me they'd wait till I got back tomorrow! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is Post Call?

Hope you're doing well!

Miss you,