Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yo estoy lista!! Papu en 12 horas y contando!!

Three and a half years and I'm finally making my first weekend trip home! My classmates have made such trips since first semester. I never could justify the plane ticket. But working on an application for my 5th year in New York I ran into a conundrum. I needed documents that I didn't have with me. I'm sure they're at home somewhere, but....I'm just not exactly sure where. This weekend is Mexico's Independence Day weekend (Friday, 16th). So after considering everything, I'm taking advantage of the extended weekend for a much needed break....and to find those documents. ;)

Praise God for spontaneous blessings!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Enjoy your time at home! I know it's really short, but let me know if you get a minute or two! Tara