Monday, September 19, 2011

Yo estoy latina.

New Monday. New rotation. New location....well it's an old one, but new for this semester. I'm back at HAL for a rotation in Infectology, Forensic Medicine, and the dreaded Applied Clinic which has never succeeded in being anything more than a waste of time. And I'm in for an extra special treat because I've got the same doctora for Applied Clinic that I had back in 5th semester who did not like me, not the biscuit-burner one...the other one. Oh Joy!!! I guess being a part of the latin program wasn't going to be challenging enough; God decided to throw in a few more curveballs.

Today wasn't particularly fun. I made the effort last week to make sure I was enrolled in the latin program for the rotation. Got my list number and everything, #157. Of course, 157 was nowhere to be found on any of the lists this morning. So I had to hunt down doctors and get put in sessions, and then of course I have to explain why 157 is together with #61-66, but not on the list. Annoying, but I just kept reminding myself that T.I.M. (This. Is. Mexico.) and by the end of the day, I'd have a full schedule. And I do.

I realized when I got home today, that I must have done an overly good job of keeping to myself...I couldn't really recall the faces of any of the 156 latin students that are currently my classmates, save a few. I knew a grand total of 1 person from the latin program. He introduced me to one of his friends. 2. and then in infectology there is another international girl who'll be with us. 3. Day 1 = 3 friends. Maybe I can double that for Day 2, but my fingers aren't crossed.

The group that I mentioned earlier, where I'm with #61-66, we didn't have patients today, so the doctor made conversation. Unfortunately, he spent a good portion of that conversation discussing medical training in the United States and the USMLE, indirectly talking about me. I know that he ment his comments to be taken as compliments, but I really wish he had just skipped the conversation. I am aware that even though it is unintentional on my part and a wrong assumption on the part of others, my tendency towards serious affect is often interpreted as stuck-up. It's hard to explain, but the way this doctor phrased his comments would only further fuel this misinterpretation. Not cool!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's yo soy latina :)