Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yo estoy enferma.

I've been sick since Friday. I'm getting increasingly bewildered as well as frustrated as my symptoms have progressed from stomach problems, to fever, to sneezing and horrendous cough. Taking an exam on Monday and not being able to think clear enough to even be able to spell my name right; I knew I was in trouble. To top it all off, I'm not able to sleep at night now; I'm too busy sneezing or aching. I'm not a happy camper.

My physiology doctora reminds me of Edna Mode from The Incredibles. It helps me smile in class when calculating membrane potentials to think that I'm listening to Edna Mode instead of Dra. Torres.

On the other hand, Dr. Delgadillo at Santa Anita reminds me of a dark haired Woody Allen. Don't particularly care for the actor, so doesn't exactly help my approval rating of Delgadillo, but it still makes me chuckle to myself at times when I should definitely be paying much closer attention to the proceedings in front of me.

Today at the clinic I was not feeling up to going, but to skip means I have to go two extra days to make it up, so I went. Then of course we have the busiest day yet; 9 patients. i was sniffling pretty often by the end of the 9th. Both Delgadillo and one of the nurses tried to convince me to get myself checked out and a prescription, but of course I refused. With the rollar coaster my health has been on the past few days, my immune system can take care of anything... I think.

Vero's parents drove down a vehicle for her to use. I was really looking forward to not having to drive to Santa Anita this week. Unfortunately, apparently her car needs a new tranmission and now is in the shop so I ended up driving anyways. i think my face registered my disappointment, but I got over it.

It dawned on me the other day that some of the clothes that I wear, not thinking twice about wearing them, are very localized styles, and strickly localized to the Midwest at that. I wear the shirt at home, no one blinks an eye. Here, my Cali classmates (just for example), lean over to me saying 'you're wearing such and such!?!?' which comes across as a combination of 'oh, that's interesting!' and 'hmmm, I wonder what to make of this?' I guess the Midwest has just got style, what can I say!?



Tara said...

Are you feeling better yet? I hope so! I have not gotten sick yet from my students, but Monday night I went to bed at 7:30 and still had trouble getting up! Hope you're feeling better and taking care of yourself! Love you!

Kaleigh said...

Happy Valentine's day a lil late! :)
Hope you're feeling better!!! What can I say Christy - you're just stylin ;) Love and prayers