Thursday, October 3, 2024

Estoy pasando tiempo.

Time is a funny thing. Such an eloquent turn-of-phrase, my own literary prowess impresses even me. Yes, I'm being highly facetious to cover up the fact that I started this paragraph with such a weak statement. I can try again, perhaps fickle would be a better adjective for such a deserving noun as time. A month ago, approximately, I was notified of a work trip to Israel. It would last two weeks, and I had less than 3 weeks notice. It led to what has been the most stressful week I've experienced in a long time. The week prior to my projected deployment I was on call leaving me with 1.5 weeks to be not only ready for the deployment to Israel, but also for what was to be waiting when I returned in October. Fast-forward those three weeks, and at seemingly last minute, the trip was cancelled. My first reaction was disappointment that I had struggled through the stress and arrived on the other side, to find that it hadn't even been necessary. At work we had managed to completely clear my weeks, including all surgeries and clinics as well as calls either covered or cancelled and rescheduled. I felt rather foolish having asked the office staff, my tech and my partners to jump through hoops for me, all for nothing. As I moved on from the disappointment and began to cycle through the 5 stages a feeling of disrespect crept in. I felt disrespected. I had been asked to play a wild and hectic game of Tetris... only it wasn't a game, it had been real life and very real patients had been affected by it.  I don't question God's timing, and freely accept I was either needed at home, or protected from something in Israel, or perhaps I just needed the exercise in flexibility. All of which held me right where I needed to be, when I needed to be there. 

In these extra two weeks I was able to attend the funeral for my great aunt Beth. I was able to help Jake work through his last few weeks of his Spanish class. (Which illustrates why my grade school desire of being a teacher when I grew up, thankfully, did not come to fruition.) I have gotten to see Harvest 2024 get underway. I was able to spend a rainy weekend camping with some friends. I was able to attend Bible study and small group, and otherwise invest time in our community. 

In essence, we are blessed with time. I pray to never take it for granted and always appreciate where I am, and when I am there.

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