Friday, September 20, 2024

Estoy en guardia.

The theme for call this week has been appendicitis. It actually was a trend my partner started last week. But seems like every appendix is coming screaming and howling. It's Friday and the start of my stretch of 3 days into the weekend. Not exactly the most fun way to spend a weekend, but when you consider it allows my partners a whole weekend, and then that flips next week. I have to admit enjoying having the majority of my weekends without call, and therefore take my turn as best I can.

This morning started working together on a case with our Gastroenterologist, and him expressing,"Isn't it amazing what dodo can do?" Definitely good for a chuckle or two, but I still haven't decided how that bodes for the call. Call me superstitious, but I am now filled with an ominous feeling of what is waiting for me over the next three days. 

To distract myself... enjoy these pictures of Jake and I at our RidersFirst motorcycle safety beginners class. We are both official motorcycle endorsed and anxiously awaiting the title of our own moto so we can keep practicing (not just in our own backyard!). Ready for the mountain trails in Honduras is the goal!

With our instructors Daniel & Justin and our whole class.

Much Love.

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