Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Estoy contemplando los hábitos

 I logged into EPIC the other day.... or maybe I should say I tried to log on. It wasn't until after multiple denials and reattempts at my password that I realized I had used 'ycs4' as the username. 'ycs4' had been my log in all through residency. 

And then the following day, I called a patient, and had to stop myself from announcing I was calling from Westchester Medical Center. Stopping myself was only half of it as it took at least 3 whole very long seconds of stammering to remember where I was actually calling from. 

Proof that habits, like repeated thousands and thousands of times over many years, those kind of habits, can become so subconscious, impossible to forget the pattern.

Resolve to be intentional in habits.

Say good morning when you wake up. Take the stairs.  Fist bump Jesus just because. Drink from a reusable glass. Bear hug the niblings...

Speaking of which...

Jake and I had a fun Saturday at the House on the Rock with Carrie, Troy and the boys. 

The Infinity Room
Plaques hanging outside the apothecary's shop. I couldn't resist.
A carousel you can't actually ride? Still impressive.
Amazing sunset on the drive home. 

Much Love.

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