Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Estamos viajando con vision.

 It's been a blur the past few weeks. From one car ride to the next airplane flight on to a passenger train, back to the car then the plane and so on and so forth. 

We spent a week in Mexico.

Barra Vieja
Daily stop at our favorite panaderia.

Coco, even better with Valentina salsa
Spending time with brothers and sisters (Angelica, Kike, Bartolo, Pablo, Tomas, Cruz, Maria, Sostenes, Jake and I)

Visiting family in Ixtlan

Exploring Guadalajara

Back in Indiana for a day of work before shooting off to Connecticut for Amanda & Keith's wedding!

Jenna & I with the beautiful bride.
The whole wolfpack. Next stop: Bhutan.
Amtrak back to Indiana.
sunrise from the train.

Then we returned to Honduras. Hospital Loma de Luz had reached out in need of surgical coverage for a time, and due to other travels (see above) I had one week remaining that I could offer. Jake busied himself with repurposing/redesigning of a very large building while there.

operating rooms

Elise was there for a month, proving what a small, small world it is. I had stayed with Elise probably about 20 years ago on a young group invite in Bluffton.

Comparison picture. Left taken this trip and right last August, demonstrating the smoke/effect of the wildfires that have been burning Honduras for the past month.
Jake 3-D rendering the building in preparation of remodeling.

Jake hard at work.
Not able to see the sunset due to the smoke in the air... but still can appreciate the colors.
OR team for the week: Sergio, Karlita, Doris, Ingred, missing Rosalinda
Comparison picture. Left taken this trip and right last August, demonstrating the smoke/effect of the wildfires that have been burning Honduras for the past month.
The OR team for the week + Paul, who had come down for the week to provide anesthesia for all of our cases.
And then home again, home again, jiggity jig.
Nice to be back in Indiana and catching up again. 
Much Love.

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