Thursday, August 25, 2022

Soy mujer.

 I cut up all the fresh vegetables myself. Well, that and a lot of lime, salt and cilantro. Key to a good guacamole. Made my guacamole for the office this week. Had only taken a few months of them pestering. Not that I hadn't wanted to bring it sooner, but in my defense it does take time to chop all those vegetables. So had to plan the trip to the store and the preparation all in time to bring in a nice guacamole, fresh. My partner paid for the pizza. The shock on their faces that I had never had Arni's pizza, was only something a Lafayette native could muster. So they took it upon themselves to fix that, and I can finally say I've had Arni's pizza. 

I had a patient visit me in clinic. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. And unfortunately, the poor thing laughs when she is nervous. Like tears running down her cheeks laughing. And even more unfortunately, it created such a humorous situation that I then started laughing. Between the two of us, we just laughed our way through the consultation. I'm not sure how we both survived but we made it through and even had a plan in place by the time we were finally wiping the last tears from our eyes. I can only imagine what that had sounded like.

I had a patient follow up with me after his surgery. Healing great, and about to send him on his way. I always pause to ask, "any last questions, concerns, comments, that I can help you with." He thought a moment. He had a comment to share. From the very start of his experience, preoperatively with the office secretary at the window, through the surgery, and ending that day with his follow up, every single individual that he had come into contact with and helped him had been female. Save one random male that he had seen the day of surgery, who had been leaning against a wall looking at his phone, every tech, nurse, doctor, etc had been female. He said it with a touch of awe in his voice remembering back when women were only trusted to type. I responded with a smile and a thanks in agreement, it is a pretty solid team.

Much Love.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Estoy preocupada.

Sometimes I wonder just how altered my reality is compared with the general population when it comes to healthcare in the US. What is accepted, understood and taken at face value without question versus what was exchanged in the transfer, in the phone call between providers, and the explanations and indications offered. 

There is really no way for me to investigate this gap between realities. My perspective and bias will immediately and subconsciously analyze any such attempt thus rendering it invalid. But still, every time I'm frustrated and disgusted, and force myself to pause and paint on a smile before entering a patient's room, I can't help but wonder. 

I remember one of the first times... I was a baby intern, and trying to help my co-resident as he covered a case. Found myself in a bit of a pickle about ownership over a patient that I didn't event know. The pickle very quickly escalated to a rather heated discussion, and some very accusing emails, which ultimately led to a meeting with my program director. (Don't worry, he had my back). But all the while the tempest raged, I didn't let it enter the patient's room. He remained blissfully clueless as to what was going on behind the walls and doors there at the Chester. 

This past weekend my days and nights on call were reversed. Relatively quiet during the days, and then busy all night long. A few select individuals were primarily responsible for the flip-flopping of my days and nights. I get a call at midnight concerning one of these individuals. He needed a surgery, but was in a small ED approximately 1 hour away. So I asked them to send him down to us here in Lafayette. By the next morning I arrive at the hospital, but he was nowhere to be found. Upon further investigation I did finally find him...still at that small ED approximately 1 hour away, and what was an urgent operation at midnight was very quickly becoming an emergent situation. I called the hospital and the only explanation I was given was a lack of transport. And when I explained the emergent nature of the patient's situation, there wasn't even an apology, just a no can do. Skipping to the end of the saga, it was midnight the following night when the patient finally had transport and approximately 3am when I was finally able to see the patient. 

I just have to shake my head. Is this okay, America? Or is it just accepted, because we think we don't have another option, or don't know to ask for another option?

Much Love.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Estoy estudiando.

 My summer "vacation" has come to an end. It was perhaps unintentional this year. The team in Lafayette had not planned for my presence and continued work here; the schedule had been finalized without me factored in. So in the process of reworking the schedule I ended up with only two calls the entire month of July. As a result I was able to take a few quick trips, and get through a handful of new referrals in clinic and elective cases. I've also moved into a house with a few other sisters from church. With my future once again being completely unknown I really was not keen on the idea of signing a contract for an apartment. On top of that my apartment from last year was doubling their rent, if I was to resign. Which unfortunately was only the cherry on top of reasons why I didn't want to stay there.  It's a good thing I've never expanded beyond a studio, because even that took quite a bit of downsizing to fit in a 10' x 9' room again. It is yet another example of Jehovah jireh's provision in my life. 

Last few random photos from the month of July.

Seeing and reconnecting with a few friends at Proclaim & Serve. 

Pool party with Sarah & Katie! Was attempting to take a picture of Katie's two girls, and like perfect timing, they both started falling right as I took the picture. I did retake the photo and managed to get both smiling faces, but somehow this one is more special and makes me laugh.

Weekend trip to Navy Pier, Chicago for a Westchester reunion. There were a few that at last minute were unable to make it, but it was still worth the trip to see and catch up with both Clara and Ash. Ash is loving his plastic surgery fellowship in Detroit, and after growing up on Staten Island, living his entire life in the city, declared to me, "I love it Christy, I'm staying." The MidWest has a convert!

Honestly, couldn't tell you who he was, but he smiled so I couldn't pass up the picture. And now, I just look my hair standing on end and I understand why he was smiling/laughing!

Lake Michigan

Navy Pier. Chicago.
It's my week on call. I get to introduce our new hire to the hospital this week. Alyssa was supposed to be taking my spot amongst the partners, but since I'm still here, I get to work with her too! Life's full of surprise blessings! 

Much Love.