Thursday, July 7, 2022

Estoy mezclando frutas.

 Sometimes lemons turns into blackberries and you end up making delicious fruit juice. I had the opportunity to make a quick trip to Connecticut for the 4th of July weekend and I grabbed it. Didn't quite go as planned. Let's just say COVID is still alive and spreading well in Connecticut. So I kept outside as much as possible and refrained from hugging. So far I'm still asymptomatic and test as of this evening still negative. 

Thankfully I was able to visit Janae and Henry before I came into contact with any virus. It was Henry's first week home after spending the first 16 weeks of his life in the NICU. So blessed by amazing friends, and so special and happy I got to catch up with them at such a happy week.

Got to play in the mud down at Muddybrook Potters studio.

The clouds make it look like mountains in the distance.  
Kind of... if you squint maybe a little. Either way, nice to be outside. 

Down at the shore. 

There may not be waves at the Connecticut beaches, but they have their own allure.
Squeezing the summer sun for every last ray.

We had our pick of fireworks displays from the comfort of a backyard patio.

Best of both worlds!
And what's a vacation without staying up too late chatting with a friend. Emily was supposed to spend a few days with me in IN, but as we learned from blackberries and lemons plans change. So glad I got to see her in CT before leaving!

Much Love.

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