Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Estoy tomando cafe.

 My life has been looking a lot like a coffee shop lately. Hood up, earphones in, computer open, hot cuppa in hand. One could loose sight of me as I fade into the surroundings. My call schedule has been rather light as of late. Originally I had attempted to alter that, offered to take my partners calls, etc. But nothing seemed to result from my efforts. Now with oral boards less than two weeks away, I appreciate how wise my Savior is, even when I lack the understanding. In other words, I'm no longer pestering my partners to take their calls, I'm spending what time I can to study. I'll be honest, the oral boards is giving me severe Imposter Syndrome. I took a Mock Oral exam the other day. Couple things I realized. 1)There definitely is a right answer  2) Even if you give them the right answer, they'll still throw a curve ball at you next  3)There isn't any time to second guess an answer

I finished my mock oral and immediately started texting my old Attendings from back at Westchester, asking if they would be willing and available to give me more mock orals. Thus far they've been willing. One of them offered that he could do it right then. I could have, but at the same time I couldn't. Which I didn't even attempt to give a reason, just responded that I wasn't available at the moment. Maybe mentally unavailable, that way it wasn't a lie. And then hating myself for being such a coward, I went for a run. 

You'd think with all the interviews and 'first days' I've been through, all the M&M's I've stood up and presented, and all the patients I've introduced myself to, it should have gotten easier along the way. And it did, it definitely was easier at the end. Just doesn't feel like it right now, but I can't imagine facing orals without those seven years of M&Ms under my belt first. 

Cafe Literato

Fuel at Five Points

Fuel West 

I wasn't joking before. Totally left more than one butt imprint in the faded red cushions on those chairs. There's also a Starbucks or two in the mix. Depends on my mood that morning, and where I am in the rotation of coffeeshops. Can't visit a single one too often, someone might come to recognize me, or worse, expect me! Oy vey, that would be too close to conversation for comfort! ;) j/k

My oral board exam is scheduled for Monday Oct 11 in the afternoon.

Much Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

prayers your way Christy! I know you got this!