Friday, September 24, 2021

Estoy aqui.

 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Mid-Westerners are nice. It happened often in New York that, when finding out I am originally from Illinois, I'd get a response along the lines of "figures" or "I was going to guess that!" And honestly, that was probably prompted, just because I had said "please" or "thank you" or something along those lines. Which just goes to argue that it takes very little to be nice, and the World could benefit from more of it. But that'll quickly take us deep down a different rabbit hole, so back to the population of the MidWest. Yes, it is generally true that everyone is nice here in Lafayette, IN. Of course, there are your outliers, but I have yet to meet them. Seriously, even my drunk trauma patients, politely ask if we serve any beer. (*facepalm*). 

There is a phrase I have heard often these past two months. I find it funny, because I can remember the phrase used in general conversation growing up in Illinois, and never once thought anything about it. But I never heard it in New York, and it hits me every time now. "There she is" It is used as a greeting, replacing the generally accepted "Hello" or "Good morning," etc. It is usually said with an emphasis on there and the is drawn out like isss. "There she isss" It is the most popular greeting I get from patients, sometimes when I walk into their hospital room, but definitely when I walk into the exam room during clinic. I'll be honest, it caught me off guard initially. And it caused me a bit of distress as I half-panicked over-thinking the phrase and what they could have possibly ment. I mean, they had come to clinic to see me, where did they think I was going to be? And quite honestly, I know their insides pretty intimately... did they really think they could get rid of me that easily? Truthfully, at first I wasn't quite sure how to respond. But after its repeated use, always said with a smile, I began to realize my mistake and that my hesitation and concern was unfounded. They are, in fact, just saying "Hello" (the *facepalm* is for me this time).

There she is. Ha! Tickles me every time now.

Much Love.


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