Sunday, January 10, 2021

Estoy celebrando.

 I have vacation scheduled for this coming week. Six months ago when I penciled in my vacation weeks, there was a plan for each and every one. Of course, it is now here and that plan was just a nice idea. Never even came close to reality. So I was looking at the week ahead and pondering if I should just go ahead and go into the hospital. Monday is already planned to be a crazy day, extra pair of hands would be appreciated. 

So I removed myself from the temptation. Far from the temptation. Will go and visit a friend in another state. Figure if I'm in another state I can't come into the hospital.

Unfortunately I wasn't thinking about any vacation when I made the schedule, so had scheduled myself to round this weekend. No one to blame but myself for that one. Whoops! And I have multiple M&M presentations that I am responsible for this coming Wednesday. Technically I could hand them over to someone else to present for me, but one of them is my lady that most recently lit a candle in Heaven, and I want to do her justice. And if I'm logged in to present her... then I very well can't get out of the others. Good thing about virtual conferences. Can log in from anywhere. 

But that also means I've been working on my presentations all weekend. Safe to say "vacation" hasn't quite started yet. But I'm looking forward to not waking up at 4:17am tomorrow. That'll be a great start!

I am also expecting a very specific email tomorrow. I officially signed my contract for next year on Friday. I will be working as a General Surgeon in Lafayette, IN for one year starting August 2021. Then, Lord willing, a Global Surgery Fellowship at Creighton in Omaha, NE. Having signed the contract, I am expecting a mountain of paperwork for licensing and credentialing. Yay!, not really. I'm not excited at all. But pretending to be so as to lessen the pain of getting through paperwork. 

Much Love and Prayers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea, Christy! I'm excited for you!
Marcia C.