Saturday, November 21, 2020

Estoy esperando que continúe la tormenta.

 The world had an anniversary this past week. Most didn't even realize it. It came and went unnoticed just as it did a year ago. November 17, 2019 was the first reported case of SARS-CoV2. Let that sink in, how the world has changed since patient zero.  Those infected. Those no longer among us. 

 How I have changed in that year. I did quite a bit of head-hanging today.  Inpatient admissions for COVID are becoming harder to ignore. Popping up on all services, and starting to fill the ICU beds once again. 

I want to continue ignoring it, but even with my head down, the smoke is noticeable. The smoke of a world on fire. It burns the eyes making them leak and cuts the heart making it bleed.

The transplant team has set and surpassed the record for livers transplanted in a year. I watch them; as they discuss their achievement. They get giddy about it. It's a carefully restrained high pitched excitement of fist-bumps, back-slaps and high-fives. I think.... I fear, they are getting greedy. They want more, and more. It's pushing their limits. They're tired. I worked last night as the transplant passed into the wee hours of the morning and I silently watched as they tried to convince themselves that the artery was going to be okay. Taking it down and redoing the arterial anastomosis would mean at least another 30-40 minutes minimum. The artery was not okay, and I kept waiting for them to admit it, but it didn't come. When I finally spoke up, the tide turned and we ultimately spent that extra time to fix the problem. I hadn't said anything they didn't already know, was maybe just that voice they needed to hear to break through their exhaustion and remind them of it. 

I wonder if we'll keep this pace through years end, or will our physical limits slow us down finally. Or.... will COVID slow us down. 

I'm betting it'll be COVID.

Much Love and Prayers

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