Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Estoy trepando los árboles.

 As we hit halfway through September the general expression I am starting to hear is something along the lines of a desire to no longer be in the year 2020 at all. I can understand. There's been many a year I've been thankful to finally see behind me, never wishing to see the likes of again. But learning, growing and surviving through those years shape us as people and individuals. Our loves, losses, passions, regrets. They serve a purpose in our journey, and wishing to be out of that journey... we run the risk of missing out on those life-altering moments that happen upon us perhaps in the most unexpected time, place and manner. 

I have frequently questioned God on his timing. He patiently permits me to do so, knowing that with a little reassurance I'll calm down again and move on. His will, not mine. For example, I'll admit, I've asked why He's kept me in New York for so much longer than was originally expected. Why here, when I was willing and able to go anywhere? But he choose New York to bless my life, the reason for which He will reveal in His own time. In the meantime, I am thankful for those blessings, and the impact each and everyone has had on my life.

Last weekend, I left my Vascular service in the capable hands of my team, and went exploring in my backyard. Jenna Hartter, Emily Walder and Amanda Virkler joined me in New York Friday evening. Friends that I haven't seen in 6+months. Friends with whom multiple trips and plans were cancelled this year due to COVID. 

Me, Jenna, Amanda and Emily. Saturday morning, Amanda sadly had to leave us for family. But Jenna, Emily and I headed North to get lost in the Catskills. 


Table Mountain

Emily captured a handful of candid shots.

A couple of them were real winners!


Some pictures don't need an explanation.They make me smile looking at them and remembering our time in the Catskills.

Camping in the middle of the forrest Saturday night. All of us a combination of sweat mixed with dirt and then frosted with campfire smoke. We shared our campsite with the local deer and chipmunks who were gracious enough to allow us passage through and rest.

So many blessings in 2020. Small, disguised as insignificant, but created specially for us.

Much love and prayer.

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