Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Estoy preparando.

That calm that pervaded the hospital last week, quiet and foreboding-like, it has ended. It was indeed the calm before the storm, and the storm came to Westchester this past weekend. Seems like every which way you turn a new area is being converted to house COVID patients. Anesthesia residents are being asked to help cover medicine shifts as so many of the IM residents are out. I’m still hunkered down amongst the ranks of the reserves.

My co-PGY4s requested to have a meeting with our program director, to discuss issues in the foreseeable future. Being a potential 5 people, we thought we were safe, and maybe we were, but still went the way of virtual meeting anyways. Social distancing is beginning to emerge as the largest factor limiting the spread of COVID and protecting individuals. Although we have not joined the ranks of those WFH, my co-resident tweeted out "the new normal."

Society has changed, is changing, forever.
Much Love.

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