Saturday, June 15, 2019

Estoy preparando familias.

There is a side of critical care not often spoken about. It should be, and a good comprehensive ICU will include these services, as well as be adept at approaching the subject and involving family when appropriate.


My natural instinct is to recoil and dismiss any palliative measures as they kiss the boo-boo without solving the problem. But sometimes, making the hurt go away, is not only the merciful option, but what the patient actually wants. I'm not the only one with tendency to shy away from palliative medicine. Sometimes a son will hang onto a father; a mother onto a daughter prolonging the inevitable in a slow painful process.

Not easy conversations. Not easy decisions. No one can deny that.

A human life, full of memories. Secrets shared. Tears cried. Smiles laughed. It's significant.

I was in Boston the other day. Those cobblestones, those brick walls. What stories they have seen unfold, one can only imagine. We took many pictures as we walked, mainly of those walls, and windows and doorways. The history etched into the very architectural fabric of them all. It makes it beautiful.
 Old State House

 Old State House

 Old North Church

 Commandant's Residence

 Ride your bike to the Charles River for a nap... why not?

Balance between returning home and moving on home. 

Much Love.

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