Sunday, June 30, 2019

Estoy abrochando el cinturón de seguridad.

Another year of residency under the belt. It this point I’ve been walking the hallways of Westchester Medical Center for time longer than most other employees within its walls. Save a handful of the dedicated nurses, longer than most nurses, techs, aides, cafeteria workers, even half of the Attendings now as well.

PGY 4 starts tomorrow. A brand new batch of interns start tomorrow as well. It going to be a rough year. Can tell by the drama that has been in these past three weeks leading up to it. Three weeks, time enough for me to give up and buckle my seatbelt. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. There’s been numerous scheduling changes, new requirements, new expectations, it’s all on a whim without discussion and now people are already upset and disgruntled and the year hasn’t even started. So like I said, buckling up. Going to be a bumpy ride.

Saying an extra prayer for us all!

Much Love.

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