Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Estoy preparando mis proximas adventuras.

Week one of Vascular down and another Saturday call over.
At approximately 4am...
This is Clara. It took a whole two seconds for her to be dead asleep. The secret is to never sit down!
On the other hand you have to grab the sleep when you can.
Same as the sunshine. You have to grab it when you have the chance. And I saw a glimpse on Sunday afternoon, once I was finally arrousable from my post call crash. With the weather/seasons changing I called a friend in an almost panic that it would be my last chance to see the warm sun, and I wasn't about to miss it.
We went to a nearby Wilderness Area called Hardscrabble.


We spent only half of the time on the actual trail. Not always on purpose. But we kept the setting sun to our West and in the end, could triumphantly say to each other that we conquered the Hardscrabble.

Much Love.

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