Sunday, August 7, 2016

Estoy feliz!

Blogging to you from the road this Sunday afternoon. Interstate 80, to be exact, making our way back through Pennsylvania towards the East Coast. Weekends like these fill me to overwhelming with their reminders of God's blessings to those who love Him.

This weekend was the wedding of Jason Koch to Anita Schlatter in Junction, OH.  Anita being my friend and sister to Regg and Bev Beer. At the idea of seeing my family from Mexico I asked for the weekend off. Unlikely chance for an intern, I know, but figured no harm in at least asking.

Schedules came out on Friday, July 29th and I had no call scheduled for the weekend! Next step was to then find out the rounding schedule, so I texted my trauma chief.  Once again, figured no harm in at least asking. And to my utter surprise, my chief, said sure, no problem! So it was Saturday, July 30th and I found myself with an entire Saturday and Sunday off for a wedding in Ohio!

Next step, Ohio. How to get there and back again in semi-ok condition to then go back to work Monday morning. Enter Marcy B. And Amanda V. In a matter of minutes we had a decision and a plan. The three of us, a rendezvous in Pennsylvania, a road trip, a wedding in Ohio and lots of coffee.

And here we are now, on the last leg of the journey. Let me quick recap and bring you up to how we got here. Friday afternoon Marcy got off work early in Ellington, CT and got a ride to Danbury, CT. I left work as soon as I could and headed up to Danbury where I met up with Marcy and the two of us headed West. We stayed overnight in Pennsylvaina where the following morning Amanda joined us. (She had been vacationing with her family all week in PA.) The three of us then continued on together. Marcy had arranged the accommodations for us, so Amanda and I had the pleasure of making new friends of the Laukhuf's. We went to the wedding singing at the fellowship hall Saturday evening, and I got to hug Bev and Anita and talk with Tucker about riding his bike. For church, we went to Latty for morning service and I got to see Alexis (Gasser) Stoller. Then over to Junction for the wedding and another round of hugs. We made a quick stop after church to load up my trunk with three bushels of peaches for a sister back in CT, and then East bound. Marcy has been manning the wheel while I've had some time to close my eyes in the back seat.

A church is not a building. It is a family of believers. It is loving a brother or sister without ever having met them before. It is built on joy and not dependent on happiness. It is the support group we run this race with. I love my church. I live far from them, but my desire to protect them is not lessened by the distance.

We are about back to where we left Amanda's car in PA at which point she and Marcy will head to CT and I to NewYork. I am so thankful for God's blessings in allowing this weekend to take place.

Much Love.

1 comment:

Anita said...

I'm so glad you could make it to the wedding Christy!! It was wonderful to get to see you, if only for a few moments:-) Praying your month goes well!
much love,