Thursday, June 2, 2016

Estoy tratando.

Back on Vascular Surgery this month at Westchester. It's only a month that I've been gone, but it's harder than expected to switch back and forth. I picked up the phone to call the OR today and could not understand why no one was answering!! Until I realized I had punched in the four numbers for St. Vinny's OR. I tried again and had the familier "OR, Jessie" response by the second ring.

While at St. Vinny's we log in remotely for our Didactic sessions every Wednesday. Here we are all saying Hi to Rachelle. If you look at the projection on the wall in the back you can see Rachelle staring us all down for not paying attention!!  jk, We at St. Vinny's have picture and sound, it's not reciprocated. Rachelle had no idea if we were paying attention or not. ;)

On our last day at St. Vinny's we had team brunch in our lounge. Indian spiced duck with scrambled eggs wrapped in bacon. love

Much Love.

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