Friday, October 16, 2015

Estoy festejando tres décadas.

Google wished me a Happy Birthday today.

 Turned 30 today. Completed 30 years of living. Pretty cool stuff.

I told a co-resident that yesterday to which she responded, "Thirty?! What?!, No way! You still look like you could be a star in High School Musical!!"  
Well, should I stand next to a high schooler it is easy to see how wrong that is, but the idea behind her comment was appreciated! ;)

Either way, whether I look it or not, I don't feel like I'm 30.  Although I've never chronologically been 30 before so I suppose this could be exactly what 30 is supposed to feel like.

I feel like time passes too quickly. I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time, and there's still so much work to do. So I don't often allow myself to look beyond tomorrow.  Once in awhile a week or so, but only for special reasons (like trying to figure out when I'll next be able to go to church!).

I feel like I am incredibly rich in relationships. I think of the friends God has blessed me with over the years and I swell with pride. I think of those that have come into my life from all over this wonderful world even for a short time and I'm so thankful for each one.


I feel like this world, although it continues to Amaze me, has ceased to Surprise me. The horrors. The disgusting. The evil. The miraculous. The beautiful. and the good. It's amazing how they all exist and thrive among humanity all individually and yet sometimes all together.


I feel like one day it will all make perfect sense. When I see Jesus. And until that time as long as he's with me, then that's sense enough for me.  

 I feel like I'm tired. 


But join me yet in dancing to my birthday song!

Much Love.

(all photos taken today. October 16, 2015)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ditto to everything you said Christy!! So glad to have such a great birthday buddy!
mucho amor,