Monday, May 4, 2015

Estoy comiendo chocolate.

There's a unit clerk at one of the nurse's stations in the hospital. She's a large African American woman.  She likes to give me a hard time, which is okay because I like to give her a hard time right back. In the weeks leading up to my vacation she had been commenting frequently on how tired I looked.  So on my first day back, when she found out I had been on vacation she said, "Ahhh that's why you don't look tired anymore!" 

Today when she arrived to work she happened upon me at a time when I was holding my head in my hands having had just received the third call from my chief in the span of about 5 minutes. (You try getting any work done like that!) She exclaimed something to the effect that it hadn't even been a week yet, what was I doing looking so stressed, and I'd just have to go back to vacation that's all there was to do! 

I guess that made it official!  I'm officially back in the groove of things. I'm back on Vascular Surgery this month. Difference this time though is the fact that our team is smaller yet the patient list is larger than last time. This is not the proper situation in which to have such a reverse relationship!! But it is what it is.  It makes me appreciate having longer legs, although the med/PA students that run after me up and down the stairs and around and between floors may not be so appreciative. 

Much Love.

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