Friday, January 2, 2015

Estoy terca.

Back on the trauma team at Westchester!  My co-intern is actually one of the orthopedic interns who is rotating with us this month. I knew the guy before.  I knew the basics.  He likes efficiency. He works fast. He follows through on his patients.  I knew enough to make me thankful we were to be on a team together.  And all of that held up as true today.  But I also realized something else.  I am going to end up with some rather large goose eggs growing out of my head.  Because... We butt heads.  What makes it awkward though is the fact that he doesn't let it go.  For the most part it's something menial, and therefore I immediately try to back track out of the situation.  But whether I've said anything or not, once he's seen the look on my face he stops and perseverates on the topic.  As if he's trying to convince me into agreement or something.  I'm much more inclined to simply side-step and move on, especially on something that bares no value on patient care anyways.  But I sit quiet and let him talk till he feels better and then we can continue on. There was once that I did speak up for my viewpoint though.  It was just after he had chastised a nurse for asking me a question about one of our patients.  That one was actually interfering in patient care.  And, to paraphrase, I told him he wasn't being very nice.

I recognize that to butt heads, both parties involved have to be stubborn. I'm praying that I can recognize potential situations before they happen. If I can't, that I can gain better control of my facial expressions.

At this point I feel we both have enough respect for one another that we'll be able to work together effectively and efficiently enough.  But it's just annoying.  Another lesson in flexibility awaiting me this month I guess.

Much Love.

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