Sunday, January 18, 2015

Estoy cansada.

My trauma chief gave me two full days in a row off this weekend. I can't remember the last time that happened. It was very nice of her.  Now... she regrets that decision. A surgery team is held together by the work of the interns.  Without an intern the work falls to the senior....and they are subsequently reminded why the intern doesn't ever get two days in a row off but rather works every weekend and every holiday.

Our patients on the trauma list have been more or less on the dramatic edge of the curve this month.  Well, not so much completely the patients themselves but rather their families have been more dramatic. One such family using specifically chosen words in their heated ventings that clue us all in to the inevitable probability that a lawsuit is brewing. It doesn't particularly effect how I react towards them or the patient. But it is disheartening, knowing that the patient arrived basically already dead. Is alive today because of the care provided.  And yet somehow that's worthy of being sued.

75% of the time in healthcare, treatment of a patient includes treatment for the family as well.  It's not enough that the patient understands; the family must also understand.  No question is silly. No fear is diminished or ignored. And if necessary, you will repeat 'He won't walk again' as many times as they need.

It's going to be another exhausting week. I can feel it brewing in the freezing rain outside making the cars all over Westchester County slip and slide. Going to have to step up my performance at the hospital.

Much Love.

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