Saturday, December 13, 2014

Estoy comiendo dulce navideño.

You'll find residents that really like their months at St. Vincent's.  You'll also find residents that more or less dread their months at St. Vincent's.  I would consider myself as part of the first group.  However, that being said, I can understand the dread.  For example, I am dreading what I'm going to find waiting for me when I go in tomorrow morning. St. Vincent's has an oddly nice way of kicking you while you're down.  If such kicking could ever be considered 'nice'?

There's no trick to handling the type of work that kicks you while you're down.  You just can't stop.  You can't give up. Because if you paused for a second, you'd be buried so quickly and deeply, well.....good luck digging yourself out of that one. And you can't get discouraged.  No one ever recognizes the progress made.  No one ever says 'good job' or 'well done.' But that doesn't mean progress wasn't made, that you didn't do a good job.  It just means that such progress is expected, and that a 'job well done' is the level of performance you should already be performing at.  It should be the normal.  And therefore 'normal' isn't recognized. I don't know if I quite agree with that mentality.  Jury's still out....but it's leaning towards the disagree.  In the meantime, I continue to daily encourage. With a little help from my friends. :)

Much Love.

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