Thursday, September 26, 2013

Yo estoy bailando el robot.

Helpful hint: anything in [ ] is said in monotone at the pace of a caffeinated squirrel.  At least in my head it is. ;)

[zzzzzzzzzzzalarm. snooze. inhale. study. study. exhale. drive. drive. sing.]

This morning after the trauma meeting I was making my way through the hospital to medical records.  [walk. walk. inhale. walk walk. exhale.]  I heard a "Good Morning!"  [walk. walk. inhale.]  "GOOOD MOORNING!"  [walk. stop. turn. exhale.]  It was one of the techs that I worked with at the medical examiner's office a year ago!  [smile. express pleasure at chance meeting.  bid farewell. inhale. turn. walk. walk. exhale.]  Continuing on my way towards med records I realized, he'd had to yell to get me to stop. [walk. walk. inhale. walk. walk. sigh.]

I changed offices again.  I think for the last time.  There's actually a sign outside the door labeling it the 'international research fellows' room.  [read. read. inhale. read. type. exhale. repeat.] Juan Manuel came from Argentina to join us last week.  [check on Dr. Blood. inhale.] So there's someone to keep me from talking to walls. [type. type. exhale. appease Dr. A. inhale. read. read. exhale.] Had a conversation today with Juan about the current political environment of Argentina. [surprise. question. inhale.] One day, when things have changed there and the time is right he hopes to return and help make those changes.  But right now he says it's impossible. [read. read. inhale. check CNS-translate status. exhale.] Have I made an acceptable effort for the day?  Nothing's exploded? [pack up. inhale. exit. exhale. walk. walk. stop. inhale. smell rose. smile. exhale. walk. walk]

[drive. drive. inhale. drive. sing. exhale. study. study. inhale. study. study. exhale. study. study. inhale. study. stuzzzzzzzzzzz]


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