Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yo estoy aficionada de estarbooks.

One of the many cultural differences between the Midwest and New England/NY area is coffee.  And for the first time I'm living in a place where Dunkin' Donuts actually poses a threat to Starbucks.  A year ago I had no opinion.  Sure I would pick Starbucks but only because it was what I was used to.  Now I've had both and today I would pick Starbucks over DD with reason!  There are multiple reasons such as I like their coffee better but to summarize, DD is pink/orange and Starbucks is green.  The argument could really be ended right there with a clear definitive winner.  Plus, estarbooks and I have got a history.  How could I turn my back on that?

Today I set up at a Starbucks in a nearby town and settled in for some good productive hours of work.  I was interrupted once.  By my new best friend.  Or so that's what he said.
  He had come running from across the entire store to end with a crash landing in the armchair next to my table.  "Hi, I'm Ian!"  He said.  "What's your name?"  "Christy.  Nice to meet you Ian."  "Nice to meet you.  You're his best friend," he informed me.  "Oh really?  Who's best friend?"  "Mine"
  He stared a while longer and then informed me that, "You have a big nose!"  "Why thank you!"  I guess I usually get 'red nose' so I'll take big for a change.  He grinned and followed up with, "can we touch it?"  Based on his misuse of 3rd person earlier I figured the same was happening with the use of 1st person plural here and quickly responded with, "Why don't we touch your nose instead!"  He eagerly used his whole hand to reach up and grab his nose.  And I got another grin.

Starbucks - where you meet your best friends! :)


1 comment:

Heidi B said...

Haha! Thats really cute! :)