Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A heart for Valentine's Day.

I love Valentine's Day. Not for any particular reason. But I started off to the hospital yesterday morning maybe just a bit disappointed at how ordinary the day felt. Little did I know I wouldn't get back from the hospital until early this morning and the day would be anything but ordinary. A Valentine's Day I will never forget.

Children's Memorial is the only location in the state of Illinois where pediatric heart transplants are performed. Early yesterday before we even got our day started there was a call. There was a heart in New York. By noon I was headed to New York as the second member of the heart team accompanied by the procurement team. Landed at LaGuardia, raced to the hospital, harvested the heart, back to the airport, back to Chicago, back to Children's and heart pumping before midnight. A heart for Valentine's Day.



Schlipf family said...

God is awesome!! That is so amazingly neat that you got to be a part of that!! :) Love you and can't wait to see you soon!! -K

Carol said...

So excited to hear your version of the story. Maggie told me, what a great experience. What good work you girls are doing with your talents from God! May He continue to bless and keep you!
