I have a file on my computer entitled "no name class" because honestly none of use could really come up with a good reason why we were there. On Thursday we were given an exam in the class that I don't know of anyone who actually studied for it. When you don't really see a point to something it's hard to be motivated, and so I went into that exam with an attitude "Go on...Test me...I dare you!"
After my test on Friday I vroomed off to take a whack at ending my waiting game with immigration. I picked up a friend and we got downtown as soon as I could. Found the right government building, 4th floor, and took a number at 11:30 am. I was 87....currently it was 29. The waiting room for immigration was standing room only and no air conditioning so we picked a spot on the floor in the area outside the room and periodically checked the number progression through the windows. The office closes at 3 but at 1 they stop taking people...doors are locked. So at 1 all of us that had set up camp outside the waiting room were herded inside and the door locked behind us. To cut a long waiting story short, after 3 hours, at 2:30 my number was finally called. Walking away with my new FM3 my friend made fun of me cause I kept staring at it kind of like in awe as in it was a prize that I'd worked hard for and was finally rewarded..."Wow! I waited three hours for this! AMAZING!!!! Whoa! and then she admitted she'd done the same when she'd finally gotten hers! Technically with an expired FM3 this past month I was illegally going to school. UAG could have not allowed me to attend the hospital. but.....This Is Mexico. All said and done...I won that waiting game! :)
After immigration my friend and I commenced cooking. We made egg rolls, sweet and sour sauce, sesame chicken, fried rice, and brownies. All was homemade from scratch (well I guess we bought the egg roll wraps and the brownies were from a box.) It took us an hour longer than projected, but guests arrived 1 - 1 1/2 hours late so it worked out perfectly. We really had to improvise at times because, for example, we couldn't find oyster sauce, but everything was really good and very very edible. It was a lot of fun to experiment. :)
Veronica and I: las cooks! :)
1 comment:
hmm that supper looks delicious!! Yeah for winning the waiting game :)
love and prayers,
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