Went to Ixtlan on Sunday just for the day!
We got to go back to class yesterday!! YAY!!! That was rather exciting! Walked into our classroom and it smelled as if we were walking into the pool room instead. At least we know they attempted to disinfect the area. Started Public Health! Dr. Clickenbeard is full of up-to-date applicable information on all sorts of public health concerns. I really appreciate his insight even though it can be a bit cynical at times, but after seeing all that he's seen, I'm not surprised. As for Physiology, we now have a white haired English chap who trys to hide his emphysema, brought on by years of pipe-smoking, by claiming to have a cold. He's really quite amusing when he demonstrates affects on renal blood flow. (On a side note, don't ever cheer for Team USA within the hearing of a British renal physiologist...they'll interpret it is the Urinary Space of America!)
Also, a note to all future teachers or current teachers. When teaching a class using powerpoint, please, please, make sure you put color in your slides. You can be the most interesting professor/teacher/lecturer in the world, but I garauntee you'll still lose interest in your audience if they have to stare at a screen of black and white. We've had a couple of docters teach us using black and white, but I always just imagined it was their own dullness that made it excessively hard to pay attention. This renal doctor is interactive, and can make us laugh, but his black and white powerpoints still make it difficult to pay attention. So save your students some trouble and put color in your slides!!!!!
Finally! Mom, this photo is for you! :)
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