I've had a few bad days this week. Med school definitely beating me up again...hard this time. Sometimes I wonder, just what in the world is God thinking??? It's going to take a miracle to shape me into a doctor! Well, Praise God He's not thinking in this world, but another unfathomable one where miracles do happen!
Our British chap of a renal physiologist (Dr. Wade) has imparted all of the renal knowledge that he could unto us in the time allotted and returned back to his home in Carbondale, IL. A few more thoughts on what we learned in renal physiology, apparently capillaries is correctly pronounced "cuh-pill-uries" actually caught myself pronouncing it as such during my studies. Hope it doesn't stick as pretty sure I'd receive odd looks of "huh?" from any non-UAG individual in the health field, or probably in the whole US. Also rather comical how it distressed Dr. Wade to have to use dogs instead of medical students for physiology experiments as should a student accidentally die it would be one less tuition being paid. Ahhh yes, the life of a medical student... so highly valued (*note sarcasm).
In Public Health this week we have been listening to what can only be described as the best educated redneck you'll be able to find out there. He really tried to get us interested in Biostatistics. Unfortunately he also failed. It did tick me off however, how he kept insisting that smoking does not cause cancer. I don't care how the surgeon general words it, ask the chemist who's counted the carcinogens found in the composition of a cigarette or better yet, go ask that man who's talking through a machine having lost his vocal cords to cancer due to smoking, or even better yet go ask that person who due to lung cancer is in the cemetery...oh wait...you can't cause he's DEAD!! You want to get all picky about how some "title" puts words on the cigarette box, fine, but I won't be at your funeral. Ok, venting over. Sorry about that, he just really ticked me off!
Felt rather bad for the visiting professor in Immunology as quite often she was the only one laughing at her jokes. Awkward!
More proof that Mexico has one huge addiction to drugs, as of April 29th all drugs in Mexico have been legalized. No, I can not go to the pharmacy and pick up some heroin, but my Mexican neighbor can. Ok, that was an exaggeration, pharmacies aren't carrying such drugs....yet.
pues, que Dios les bendiga
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Yo estoy...si ya saben....estudiando.
Another week of class gone by! whew!
We finally were able to take our Behavioral Sciences final after postponing it for about 4 weeks. Glad to move on from that.
Friday night Sung made his famous tacos again. I was put in charge of bringing the fruit. Made the peach pie filling fruit salad, but had to make some major alterations being as well, Mexico has different stuff stocking it's grocery stores. Speaking of which, set up in the grocery store was a pianist playing away as I perused the fresh pineapples. I guess their thinking is calm the customers and they'll buy the biggest pineapple...hey, worked on me!
Everyone loved the fruit salad! :)
When I got home from taco night came home to find that I could not fit in my parking area due to a poorly parked car that belonged to one of the partyers found in the apartment of my neighbor below me. Was going to park along the street and forget about it, but then some of the partyers emerged so I decided to ask if the car could be repositioned. It was quite comical, the scene that took place in front of me. First, I finally got to actually meet my neighbor, Jesus. Previously our conversations have consisted of 'hola' and an occasional 'como estas?' The poor guy was drunk, knew he was drunk, and was trying sooo hard to think clearly in order to communicate logically. Then of course, the owner of the car could not find the keys, so I got to watch as a couple of them went scavaging for the misteriously disappeared keys.
In the end, was finally able to park my car!
Don't know how late the noise lasted as I fell asleep, but this morning heard the last partyers leaving at about 7:30 am.
Had class today from 8 - 10. Kind of odd to have Saturday class, but I don't mind. Got me out of bed, moving, and thinking at a good hour.
Woke up this morning and had no water again. When I still didn't have it by the time I got home from class I made a phone call to see what was up. They're digging holes in Seris again, so water pipes are sometimes compromised! Funny though how my friends down the street a bit still had their water. It was on again by about 1 so all's right again. :)
We finally were able to take our Behavioral Sciences final after postponing it for about 4 weeks. Glad to move on from that.
Friday night Sung made his famous tacos again. I was put in charge of bringing the fruit. Made the peach pie filling fruit salad, but had to make some major alterations being as well, Mexico has different stuff stocking it's grocery stores. Speaking of which, set up in the grocery store was a pianist playing away as I perused the fresh pineapples. I guess their thinking is calm the customers and they'll buy the biggest pineapple...hey, worked on me!
Everyone loved the fruit salad! :)
When I got home from taco night came home to find that I could not fit in my parking area due to a poorly parked car that belonged to one of the partyers found in the apartment of my neighbor below me. Was going to park along the street and forget about it, but then some of the partyers emerged so I decided to ask if the car could be repositioned. It was quite comical, the scene that took place in front of me. First, I finally got to actually meet my neighbor, Jesus. Previously our conversations have consisted of 'hola' and an occasional 'como estas?' The poor guy was drunk, knew he was drunk, and was trying sooo hard to think clearly in order to communicate logically. Then of course, the owner of the car could not find the keys, so I got to watch as a couple of them went scavaging for the misteriously disappeared keys.
In the end, was finally able to park my car!
Don't know how late the noise lasted as I fell asleep, but this morning heard the last partyers leaving at about 7:30 am.
Had class today from 8 - 10. Kind of odd to have Saturday class, but I don't mind. Got me out of bed, moving, and thinking at a good hour.
Woke up this morning and had no water again. When I still didn't have it by the time I got home from class I made a phone call to see what was up. They're digging holes in Seris again, so water pipes are sometimes compromised! Funny though how my friends down the street a bit still had their water. It was on again by about 1 so all's right again. :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yo estoy estudiando.
The rainy season started last Thursday with a torrential downpour that left me without electricity until Friday morning. Due to the fact that my toilet is constantly running, it drained my tinaco during the night and as the pump runs on electricity I woke up Friday to having no water in addition to no electricity. Odd how it seemed everyone else had electricity again but our street. Seris is just a special place to live I guess.
Went to Ixtlan on Sunday just for the day!
We got to go back to class yesterday!! YAY!!! That was rather exciting! Walked into our classroom and it smelled as if we were walking into the pool room instead. At least we know they attempted to disinfect the area. Started Public Health! Dr. Clickenbeard is full of up-to-date applicable information on all sorts of public health concerns. I really appreciate his insight even though it can be a bit cynical at times, but after seeing all that he's seen, I'm not surprised. As for Physiology, we now have a white haired English chap who trys to hide his emphysema, brought on by years of pipe-smoking, by claiming to have a cold. He's really quite amusing when he demonstrates affects on renal blood flow. (On a side note, don't ever cheer for Team USA within the hearing of a British renal physiologist...they'll interpret it is the Urinary Space of America!)
Also, a note to all future teachers or current teachers. When teaching a class using powerpoint, please, please, make sure you put color in your slides. You can be the most interesting professor/teacher/lecturer in the world, but I garauntee you'll still lose interest in your audience if they have to stare at a screen of black and white. We've had a couple of docters teach us using black and white, but I always just imagined it was their own dullness that made it excessively hard to pay attention. This renal doctor is interactive, and can make us laugh, but his black and white powerpoints still make it difficult to pay attention. So save your students some trouble and put color in your slides!!!!!
Finally! Mom, this photo is for you! :)

Went to Ixtlan on Sunday just for the day!
We got to go back to class yesterday!! YAY!!! That was rather exciting! Walked into our classroom and it smelled as if we were walking into the pool room instead. At least we know they attempted to disinfect the area. Started Public Health! Dr. Clickenbeard is full of up-to-date applicable information on all sorts of public health concerns. I really appreciate his insight even though it can be a bit cynical at times, but after seeing all that he's seen, I'm not surprised. As for Physiology, we now have a white haired English chap who trys to hide his emphysema, brought on by years of pipe-smoking, by claiming to have a cold. He's really quite amusing when he demonstrates affects on renal blood flow. (On a side note, don't ever cheer for Team USA within the hearing of a British renal physiologist...they'll interpret it is the Urinary Space of America!)
Also, a note to all future teachers or current teachers. When teaching a class using powerpoint, please, please, make sure you put color in your slides. You can be the most interesting professor/teacher/lecturer in the world, but I garauntee you'll still lose interest in your audience if they have to stare at a screen of black and white. We've had a couple of docters teach us using black and white, but I always just imagined it was their own dullness that made it excessively hard to pay attention. This renal doctor is interactive, and can make us laugh, but his black and white powerpoints still make it difficult to pay attention. So save your students some trouble and put color in your slides!!!!!
Finally! Mom, this photo is for you! :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Yo estoy trabajando.
What I do when swine flu pandemic cancels classes.
MANZANILLO!! In the picture are most of my traveling buddies. Piccolo, Anahi, Pamela, Triffine, Sung, Micheal & Jonnie are in the water.
Triffinie did her hair Sunday night. Asked her to do mine. Being as it was after 2 am we agreed just the front was enough!
We all rented a house really close to the beach and stayed there. We all fit nicely....considering Triffinie and her kids slept three to a bed.
Sung and I left the next morning after watching the Manzanillan sunrise. The others stayed for another night.
We got pulled over by the federal police on the way home. The whole situation was incredibly hilarious. First of all, they never gave us an actual reason for pulling us over. After much pondering all we could come up with was that the second cop was in training being as he didn't do or say anything just watched the first cop work, and so we had been pulled over as a training exercise. They picked a barrel of bad eggs to pull over for a training exercise. Not only was Sung's travelling permission expired, but he had absolutely none of the required documentation with him. No permission receipt, no proof-of-insurance, no FM3, not even his school ID!!!! Legally what was supposed to be done was the car towed and us taken in, lots of paper work filled out, and held in jail until proper documentation could be faxed! All I could think was what an adventure this is going to be!!!! And praise the Lord it happened when we didn't have classes or an exam the next day to study for! In the end the merciful cop said that being as the truck was expensive and the paperwork takes a lot of time he never saw us. Like I said...incredibly hilarious.
We all rented a house really close to the beach and stayed there. We all fit nicely....considering Triffinie and her kids slept three to a bed.
We got pulled over by the federal police on the way home. The whole situation was incredibly hilarious. First of all, they never gave us an actual reason for pulling us over. After much pondering all we could come up with was that the second cop was in training being as he didn't do or say anything just watched the first cop work, and so we had been pulled over as a training exercise. They picked a barrel of bad eggs to pull over for a training exercise. Not only was Sung's travelling permission expired, but he had absolutely none of the required documentation with him. No permission receipt, no proof-of-insurance, no FM3, not even his school ID!!!! Legally what was supposed to be done was the car towed and us taken in, lots of paper work filled out, and held in jail until proper documentation could be faxed! All I could think was what an adventure this is going to be!!!! And praise the Lord it happened when we didn't have classes or an exam the next day to study for! In the end the merciful cop said that being as the truck was expensive and the paperwork takes a lot of time he never saw us. Like I said...incredibly hilarious.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Yo estoy pensando en la ironia de la vida y las situaciones inesperadas.
The following is an article explaining the situation in Guadalajara.
As of now, there are 25 cases of H1N1 in the area and 3 deaths. Classes have been cancelled until May 18th along with closure of cinemas, theaters, all sports have also been cancelled for the time being. Basically anything that gathers large crowds. I'm sure if the statistics change from the current numbers the May 18th restart date will be pushed back further.
We had a total of 8 days of class the month of April, and so far in May we've had 2. At this rate we'll be lucky to finish our semester in time to start the next.
From the sentiments of one of my classmates, it seems this semester that we aren't learning so much about medicine as we are about traveling as many of my classmates pick a new destination each "break."
As of now, there are 25 cases of H1N1 in the area and 3 deaths. Classes have been cancelled until May 18th along with closure of cinemas, theaters, all sports have also been cancelled for the time being. Basically anything that gathers large crowds. I'm sure if the statistics change from the current numbers the May 18th restart date will be pushed back further.
We had a total of 8 days of class the month of April, and so far in May we've had 2. At this rate we'll be lucky to finish our semester in time to start the next.
From the sentiments of one of my classmates, it seems this semester that we aren't learning so much about medicine as we are about traveling as many of my classmates pick a new destination each "break."
Friday, May 8, 2009
Yo estoy en buen salud.
Classes cancelled again until May 18th. I've also heard classes cancelled indefinitely.
Will keep this updated, as I hear more.
P.S. All the birdies have fallen from the nest now. Two are already dead the third still trying to move.
This is not a blog of good news.
Will keep this updated, as I hear more.
P.S. All the birdies have fallen from the nest now. Two are already dead the third still trying to move.
This is not a blog of good news.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yo estoy comiendo dulce de guayaba.
I felt like I was just starting back to school today as we got a new schedule, started new classes, and spent our breaks asking everyone what they did over the unexpected second spring break.
UAG is not waiting for us to catch up with our studies; it's full-speed ahead. This means that we are still looking at June 12th as our last day, but that between now and then is incredibly busy as exams are being moved around and some classroom time is being doubled.
The following quote is from one of my classmates today who was upset at the hurried schedule and thought we needed more time to study before upcoming exams, "...this was an emergency, it wasn't a vacation so I escaped! I escaped and went away from the city, I went to the beach and didn't bring my books with me! This was an emergency!"
Talking to Triffinie, she said that she thought he was really worried, as he was completely serious in the delivery of his complaint, but then lost it the second he said beach. I, on the other hand, can not say I was so compassionate. I was trying to hold my laughter in the second he said escaped. I couldn't believe his argument was that it was an emergency so he escaped to the beach, (which by the way was not much safer.)
They've got a bunch of new rules for us. We can't sit by each other, but must have an empty chair inbetween. We all have to wear face masks in class. We'll see how these new rules work out, or probably don't....work out.
The bird eggs in the nest by my neighbors door (at the bottom of the stairs) have hatched. I came home to find one of the babies had fallen out!
My weeds died while I was home, but I tried watering them anyways and a few have perked up again!! That's exciting! It would have been horrible to have to admit that I can't even keep weeds alive.
UAG is not waiting for us to catch up with our studies; it's full-speed ahead. This means that we are still looking at June 12th as our last day, but that between now and then is incredibly busy as exams are being moved around and some classroom time is being doubled.
The following quote is from one of my classmates today who was upset at the hurried schedule and thought we needed more time to study before upcoming exams, "...this was an emergency, it wasn't a vacation so I escaped! I escaped and went away from the city, I went to the beach and didn't bring my books with me! This was an emergency!"
Talking to Triffinie, she said that she thought he was really worried, as he was completely serious in the delivery of his complaint, but then lost it the second he said beach. I, on the other hand, can not say I was so compassionate. I was trying to hold my laughter in the second he said escaped. I couldn't believe his argument was that it was an emergency so he escaped to the beach, (which by the way was not much safer.)
They've got a bunch of new rules for us. We can't sit by each other, but must have an empty chair inbetween. We all have to wear face masks in class. We'll see how these new rules work out, or probably don't....work out.
The bird eggs in the nest by my neighbors door (at the bottom of the stairs) have hatched. I came home to find one of the babies had fallen out!
My weeds died while I was home, but I tried watering them anyways and a few have perked up again!! That's exciting! It would have been horrible to have to admit that I can't even keep weeds alive.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Yo estoy cansada.
Back in Mexico once again. The travels really took it out of me today. Definitely to bed as early as possible tonight.
Classes have been pushed back yet another day, so I'm starting on Thursday rather than tomorrow.
Classes have been pushed back yet another day, so I'm starting on Thursday rather than tomorrow.
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