Thursday, June 27, 2024

Estamos renovando otra vez.

 A much smaller room, and yet required a more in depth renovation which prohibited it from being done in stages. 

The mudroom renovation started when Jake and I were down in Mexico. Our task was to have the mudroom cleared out and have adequate supplies available before leaving. Then while we were away, a couple friends came and dry walled the entire room including framing a closet for us. The subsequent two months saw us attempting to mud and sand, then mud again following by painting and then tiling of the mudroom. It felt good to finally move our shoes back to their assigned shelves and off the floor from around the house in whichever room they had landed themselves. 

Once again, Jake was the master designer here, plumber, tiler, and all, and I his helper, trying to keep up, keep out of his way, and keep things clean. Ultimately failing at all three but despite that, we managed to put together a nice little mudroom. The before and after pictures much more dramatic than our kitchen pictures. 

This is the closest before picture we could find. This was already after a lot of clean up, and placement of the insulation in the walls.
Current state of the mudroom. Still a few small things (second closet door needs to be hung etc). But all around not too bad. 

Much Love.

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