A lot of people say they want to get together again. We actually did, and our future will forever be altered for the better. From left to right: Christa (Ta) is a Family Medicine doc based out of Sacramento, CA but grew up in Hawaii and parents still live in Hawaii; me (Ty); Jehba (who's middle name believe it or not is Christine) is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow in Houston, TX; Amanda is a long term missionary in Togo, West Africa where she serves as the lead teacher for the MK school (currently on furlough in VA); Christel (Tel) is a Pharmacist from Brisbane, Australia
We met while serving at Hospital of Hope in Mango, Togo. At the time all 5 of us were single,and Christa and Jebha were still residents. Despite all odds of starting new relationships, starting new jobs, and even moving temporary locations we not only coordinated a week of availability to get together in Hawaii (central location between Aus and USA, you know, seemed best of course), but then we all followed through as well.
One of my top five experiences of my time in Togo had been the unexpected relationships with fellow short-termers. Which has now proved to be a continued blessing in my life. Wherever we went in Hawaii, or whatever we did played no part in our enjoyment of each other and our time together. I especially loved the bewildered look on faces of unsuspecting bystanders who happened to inquire as to our story. Togo in Hawaii.
Pearl Harbor
Morning Hike up Diamond Head
Morning Hike up Diamond Head
Morning Hike up Diamond Head
Morning Hike up Diamond Head
Iolani Palace
Iolani Palace
Found my wedding dress at Iolani Palace. Jake approved!
Loved this tree outside of Iolani Palace.
Waiting for me to finish take pictures of the tree!
Banyan tree.
Banyan tree.
Celebrating Amanda's birthday! Had to break out the Togolese fashion!
Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay
Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay
Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay
Nutridge Experience Luau
Nutridge Experience Luau
Nutridge Experience Luau
Nutridge Experience Luau
Nutridge Experience Luau
Nutridge Experience Luau
Showing off our Hawaiian tattoos from the luau (Amanda - protection; Christel - guidance; Jebha - strength; me - health)
Breakfast with Christel's mom at her resort.
When you want to take a picture but the waves of other ideas.
Driving to the North side of the island, stopping at the blowhole.
Exploring the north shore
Setting up camp for the evening!
playing games
Sunset on the North Shore
Moon rise on the North Shore
With many outtakes.
ready for our Sunset hike up Koko Head.
Well... couldn't see that when it's black out... not sure it would have made a difference though!
Sunrise on Koko Head
Sunrise on Koko Head
Now that's a lot of stairs!
Brunch under a tree, favorite writing spot of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Delicious brunch
When you tire out your friends and they need a nap... find a tree to climb.
Sunset yoga on the beach.
Mt Olympus hike via the Wa'ahila ridge Trail

pause as needed
Wa'ahila Ridge Trail
Ridge hiking is amazing! This panoramic is taken from the ridge of the Ko'olau mountain range extends from the South shore of the island on the left to the north shore of the island on the right.
Wa'ahila Ridge Trail
Wa'ahila Ridge Trail
Next stop: Australia 2025!
Much Love.
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