Sunday, September 4, 2022

Estoy aprendiendo frances.

1,001 posts! Only because I missed that the previous post was #1000. 

In church today one's ministry was associated with sleepless nights. Is that it? Satan hard at work to disable our ability to perform. To doubt, have second thoughts and wonder through the what if's essentially rendering us frozen in fear. How true is this for you?

There's been a number of truths God has reaffirmed for me recently. One that I most greatly appreciate is how much He cares for each of the individuals that walk this Earth. His investment and love for the nomad of Mongolia, the girl sold by her parents to the underworld, the singer on broadway, and myself are equal in depth, truth and perfectness. It has given me a renewed and joyful appreciation for each patient God places in my way. It is His design, the weaving of His tapestry that any two threads should meet and paths cross. This is my ministry, and I give it back to Jesus, to weave as He sees perfect.

Recently went on a very spontaneous trip up to St. Joseph, Michigan. Just to appreciate God's creation as only the MidWest can offer. You'll be proud of me, limited the photos to post. 

Much Love.

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