Still standing. Just took it slow, and kept going. In the end, had a great run through the Sierras, morning sunlight streaming through the giant trees. It was wonderful!
At bib pickup the evening before the race. But good luck finding my name, I can't even find it anymore and I know where to look. It fades well into the thousands.
All runners had to be shuttled to the top of the mountain for the start of the race. Based on my previous half times I was assigned an early wave that would have had me catching the shuttle at 4:20am. Thankfully my running buddies were assigned later start times, which ment the sun was starting to rise when we caught our shuttle and thankfully starting to warm the mountain when we arrived at the start. That being said, I was freezing and couldn't wait to get moving. Monica and I at 5400ft and ready to go!

The race had a few photographers planted throughout the race. The photos at the finish line at too up close and personal for comfort, so here's a random one from mid-race. As far a half marathons go, I would highly recommend the Yosemite half to anyone. Of the 13.1 miles approximately 7 miles of that is actually downhill. Half is trail running the other half is paved. So it's on the easier side as far as races go. Plus, proved it can be done with Hb of 8. And last but not least, it's Yosemite, enough said.

Our group in Yosemite at the finish line L to R: Josh, Beth, Zoey (puppy), Burk, Becca, me, Monica. When I convinced Monica to run the race with me back in Sept of last year she mentioned it to her partner at work (Beth). Beth in turn told her husband (Josh) who subsequently decided to run the race himself and likewise dragged his friend (Burk) to sign up as well. Sometimes we never get to see the chain reactions of our own actions. This time I did get to see the effect, made me even happier to be out running with them.
With the race over, we had fun exploring Yosemite National Park.
Pardon for including six photos of Yosemite Valley. I had fun making this stop at different times of the day and then playing with the effects of the sun as it hit the valley at different angles.
The closest I got to climbing El Cap.... this time around at least ;)
Talk about dinner with a view. Awesome! The firefall pizza was fantastic as well!
Crossing the Merced River. The Mist Trail.
First glimpse of Vernal Falls from the Merced River. The Mist Trail.
Full rainbow along the Merced River. The Mist Trail.
Vernal Falls. The Mist Trail was very appropriately named. We were completely soaked!
Vernal Falls from the Mist Trail.
Vernal Falls.
The Mist Trail above Vernal Falls.
Above Vernal Falls.
Continuing along the Mist Trail as it follows the Merced River up, next is Nevada Falls.
Top of Nevada Falls.
Top of Nevada Falls. See me yet? God definitely had fun when he painted Yosemite.
Top of Nevada Falls. In case you missed it in the first picture as well; these trees growing in that crack like God himself planted them. Life lesson?
Taking the John Muir Trail back down the mountain from the top of Nevada Falls.
Nevada Falls. the John Muir Trail.
Westchester reunion. Me, Niu & Monica. Same as with Monica, had so much fun catching up with Niu. I so greatly appreciated her as a co-resident; one of those relationships you want to take care to maintain. The restaurant Niu choose was the best. Even though it was closing time for the afternoon, they let us sit in their deserted restaurant chit chatting and eating sushi. I was so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't fully realize we were alone until they opened for the evening again and people started piling in.
Much Love.