Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Estoy empezando estudiar de nuevo.

Received a bit of good news recently. Brought with it a momentary bit of peace amidst the burdens our world continues to struggle with. I passed the General Surgery Qualifying Examination (a.k.a. the written boards). God is faithful and continues to provide. Having passed the QE, I am now able to register and take the General Surgery Certifying Examination (a.k.a. the oral boards). Lord willing I will take it in October. Shelling out another $1500 I had to wonder at the masochistic motives of my predecessors that set up this system. Because please, let me pay half of the world's GNP, so that I can put on a suit and pass through three rooms, three cases in each room, seven minutes for each case. Please, that just sounds like a fantastic way to spend my 63 minutes. Just loads of fun. Definitely well spent money. I don't think I've ever been more sarcastic in my entire life. To say I am dreading the orals, quite the understatement. The only thing I know is that I will study, I will prepare, and then I will pray. Oh Lord help me!

The following are a few backlog pictures from Indiana that I was able to sneak in after returning from Colorado and before starting at Franciscan. 

Running alongside the Wabash River is a trail. The Wabash Heritage Trail. It is a very nice trail, almost completely protected from the sun which is nice for a break on these summer runs.

The Wabash Heritage Trail as it crosses the Davis Ferry Bridge.

Was able to squeeze in a visit with two friends (Maggie and Whitney) that I haven't seen in years. It had been so long that I'd never gotten to meet those two littles of Maggie. It had been so long that when I reached out, I had to simply start with "I have no idea what your schedule is like these days..." because it was the truth. But so thankful was able to reconnect for a brief moment. 

I also joined a few friends at the Taste of Tippecanoe which was held in downtown Lafayette. Trying to experience Indiana as much as I can while I'm here.

 Taste of Tippecanoe, downtown Lafayette.

Much Love.

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