Tuesday, March 2, 2021

No estoy bien con los papeles de licencia.

I've been putting off blogging. I'd honestly rather be putting off the mountains of paperwork that falls under the all encompassing "licensing and credentialing" process. But, that is an absolute, can not avoid, have to suffer. And so, by default, I subconsciously have been procrastinating the rest of my usual 'To Do' items. It's really rather miserable, and I wish I had a secretary! Due to extenuating circumstances including but not limited to the stresses of work, I had not been able to sit and focus long enough to understand the incredibly long and confusing check-lists demanded by this department versus that department. Who wants what, original versus copy, notarized or not, and it goes on. I understand, really, the state of Indiana can't just let anyone perform surgery on its citizens, and has a responsibility to make sure I'm legit. But there has to be a limit. And of course, the $$ every half step of the way. The worst example: Indiana wants my National Practitioner Report. So I pay and have the report run receiving my results electronically immediately. But that is not good enough for the state of Indiana. I can't forward on my results. I can't print off my results and mail them in. Nor can I even have the Databank mail my official results to Indiana. No.... I have to have an additional report mailed to me. Then I have to take the unopened envelope and mail that to Indiana myself. Why Indiana? Just.... why? The year 2000 was 21 years ago!!

Anyways, ignore my frustrations. I got to enjoy a bit more of the snow before it all melted! Let's go play in the snow!

Both Amanda V. and I are vaccinated now!! I can remember a total of about 4 hugs in the past 12 months. I won't go into the psychology behind the need for human touch and interaction, but lets just say there is a need and leave it at that. It made being able to hug my friend that much more significant. We took a snowy walk around the Snip Saturday evening.... and then just because we could, we did it again Sunday afternoon.

The sun was just asking us to come out and play that Sunday!

Can almost pretend like there's no worries! Not a care in the world! Just you, the wind, and the open sky! You can smile and say 'the world was made for me!'
Much Love and prayers!

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