Thursday, December 31, 2020

Estoy de rodillas.

About to leave the hospital this evening, a last consult slides in. An appendicitis in the ED. I chart check, very straight forward. "Thank goodness" I think to myself as I walk to the ED. An easy case in the bag, and I contemplate, maybe I'll just stay late and do the case myself. That would be a fun way to end the year. Unfortunately, some personalities have a rather miserable way of taking something simple and making it extremely complicated. My appendicitis, for example, kept trying to find a way out of being appendicitis. I gave option A. and option B., so he kept trying to create a scenario in which option C existed. Rephrasing his questions, trying to catch me in a loop hole.  Which, of course, didn't happen. It really was too straight forward for that.  My appendicitis even tried to tell me he needed to think about it, and would go home and let me know tomorrow which option he wanted. This is when I start to become excessively blunt in my explanation of risks, benefits and options, because obviously.... something is not getting through clearly enough. Think.... option A: you live  vs  option B: you die...  level of blunt. Needless to say I did not get to finish out the year with a nice appy. I finally had to tag it out to my colleague, and it wasn't until hours later when he texted that Mr. appendicitis went with option A. (hallelujah! a decision was made.)

And now, as the year 2020 ticks its way into memory, I think back over the months on what could have been, what was, and now what will happen. 

I can appreciate the fact that we are living through history right now. The stories we will have to tell one day; fascinating, but definitely "you'd-have-to-have-been-there" kind of stories. And they will be stories I'll always carry with me, they are part of me now. Though I was not put here for such a time as this, God used it to teach me the lessons he needed me to learn. I may be a bit presumptuous in my past tense on the verb 'to use' as I fear I am still in the process of learn-ing those very lessons. But I'm running towards the new year trusting in God's faith in me to learn. 

There are three reasons for praise that immediately come to mind I have for the year 2020.

1. I have not spread the virus, and no one is sick because of me.

2. I have survived half of my chief year.

3. I have finally arrived at 2021.

In between those three, a million small blessings and the ever remaining constant... as constant as a new day is in coming, the love of a Father and Savior.

Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised. 

Much Love and Prayer.

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