Thursday, August 27, 2020

Estoy disfrutando el verano.

Ever since moving away from Central Illinois and becoming separated geographically from everything and everyone I'd ever known, social media has been an important avenue of information for me. Partly my own fault, I make minimal effort to maintain open active communication on a regular basis. Communication not a forte of mine, believe I've mentioned that before. And partly, that's just how life happens. Out of sight. Out of mind. When someone moves away, they exit and enter spheres. These spheres I'm referring to, being the small bubbles that each individual human being walks around in, contain an entire universe individually personalized for their specific human being. Some spheres are smaller, some larger, but we all have them. Just meet someone new, watch your own sphere expand. 

Anyways, social media has helped me stay updated as my friends have grown their own spheres. It's nice to not be completely out of date when I am able to make it home for visits, or am struck by inspiration and initiate a string of texts, etc. Over the years, this same avenue of information, has provided its own fertile ground for seeds of discontent from time to time. Was much harder to stop the growth and weed immediately 10 years ago than it is today, but I'll still catch it from time to time. Summertime is one particular season that I've grown to dislike less and less over the recent years. Watching through pictures and posts as one by one friends and families get together and enjoy each other and being outside, while I am not. But inevitably comfort is always provided. For example, a few brave souls agreed to meet me for a picnic at the beach the other day. 

Due to my own stupid carelessness, I'd had recent contact with COVID positive patients without wearing the appropriate PPE. Since that time, I'd caught myself and corrected my actions of course. I confessed, and they still agreed to dare come within 6ft of me!! (Don't worry, less than 6ft and we had our masks on!) So I got to have my own summer vacation with family and friends!  It only lasted an afternoon. But it was sunny, and warm, and relaxing!

Silver Sands State Park. CT. with Emily & Kate Walder and Cheryl Ryan

Silver Sands State Park. CT. with Emily & Kate Walder and Kevin Ryan

Silver Sands State Park. CT


Silver Sands State Park. CT
Happy Summer feelings!
Much love and prayers!

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