Sunday, June 21, 2020

Estoy la jefe.

Officially Chief.

Not that I did anything special to be called Chief Resident, in general surgery the PGY5s are all automatically considered the "chief residents". But it is significant. It signifies I'm almost there, almost to the end, almost done with residency. One. More. Year!

This past Friday was graduation for the chief class, half of them didn't even come into the hospital that day. And of the other half, only one of them actually operated. But as they moved out of the chief call room. I moved in. I was more ready to get out of the crowded senior call room, than ready to move into the chief call room. But whatever the motivation, I was happy to be there. I picked a shelf and set my loopes down claiming it as mine. As our incoming interns are in the process of going through virtual orientation, our chief class made a virtual appearance.  There's more than usual interns coming in for this year, so we've got our work cut out for us.

Our chief's graduation was virtual as well. Of all years I'm glad that I'm PGY4 as I got an invite to all of their small graduation gatherings. All 6 chiefs had their own graduation party and attended the virtual party collectively.

I had put together the "chief roast". Granted not really a roast at all. I couldn't pull off a roast if I tried, let alone try to do it virtually. So I made a video including clips from every one in our program. They seemed to enjoy it, everyone laughed. And they were all happy. They deserve to be happy.

 L to R: Hanjoo, Alex, Monica, Adi, Joe (Michelle was late again)

You can't read it in the picture, but the cake says "We survived!"  So true. What a reason to celebrate!
Hanjoo: Colorectal Fellowship in Dallas, TX
Alex: Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship outside of Boston, MA
Monica: Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship here at Westchester
Joe: Pediatric Critical Care followed by Pediatric Surgery Fellowship
Michelle: Surgical Critical Care Fellowship here at Westchester
Adi: Vascular Surgery Fellowship in Cincinnati, OH.

I'm going to miss them next year.
Much Love and Prayers.

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