Monday, April 6, 2020

Estoy con los niños.

A third of our program has been devoted to the COVID units under management of the surgical teams. Of the remaining 2/3, a few of us are out with COVID, which leaves approximately half of the typical resident pool to hold down the fort, covering the hospital and general surgery call. In order to make this possible, some services have been dissolved, and others combined. There are usually about 12 services that we cover on any given day. This has been siphoned down to 5 services in order to have adequate resident coverage on all services. And at a minimum, we have all at least doubled up on call.

Unfortunately, our schedule continues to change daily. Last week, I was scheduled to start covering the COVID units today. After multiple changes, I instead actually started on the pediatric surgery service today. I told them whereever they needed me. And I ment it, I'm happy to keep the peds service up and running. But then even today, my team changed. Then another one of my coresidents had to leave the call pool, causing shuffling of the call schedule yet again. And tomorrow, which resident is going to have to leave the call pool? How many more calls will we each have to pick up by the end of this block? I may have had to yell at the wall a little bit... Flexibility can only help you to a certain point when playing Twister.  So I yelled at an inanimate object, but even while venting I still ment it, I know I did, wherever they need me. Whenever they need me. We'll all get through this together. Especially if we are there to catch each other, support each other, and allow venting when needed. ;)

We've had the first coworkers requiring hospitalization, and co-resident's families being admitted as well. Some have expressed more fear as it hits closer and closer to home seemingly daily. To be honest... there's a part of me welcoming the increasingly heavy schedule. It will keep me busy.

Much love and prayers.

P.S. still asymptomatic

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