Friday, November 22, 2019

Estoy aprendiendo operaciones nuevas

Just barely made it off trauma with my sanity intact. Monday was change for the juniors... for continuity of care the chiefs change on Tuesday. Meaning, I had one more day of trauma to tough it through. As is typical, my Monday morning was spent cleaning up from the weekend. Multiple patients sitting on the floor waiting for a plan. I stopped by and said hello to each one. Promptly followed by a goodbye and take care, but please don’t come back.

 Tuesday I switched to my Head & Neck rotation. Basically I get to follow the ENT residents around and jump in on their neck dissections and thyroids. At least that’s what I am supposed to do. It’s not a real rotation, because we still get pulled back to Gen Surgery to take call and cross-cover when needed. It’s not really fair to the ENT residents, but they put up with us and act like they don’t mind. I plan to take full advantage of the rotation and scrub on everything possible. Tuesday was a bunch of ear cases which I was looking forward to. So Monday, when a chief called me asking me to take his call that night, I couldn’t do it. The idea of more trauma and missing my ear cases, I couldn’t quite stomach it, just so he could do a case he wanted the following day. I frequently stay post call for cases, even 12 hr cases, and figured if he really wanted it, could do the same. I think he’s forgiven me for saying no. But the ear cases were so awesome! One of them a prosthesis was cemented in place within the inner ear that was so tiny with the naked eye it didn’t appear any larger than a twisted ball of wire no bigger than a spec.

I’ve learned so much already, in just the first week. I’m a bit disappointed that a holiday falls in the middle of my rotation. Not disappointed for the holiday, but disappointed as they have nothing scheduled for those days. My days on head & neck are numbered.

I’m also trying to make use of the lack of responsibility I have right now. Maybe lack is not the right word, the vast reduction of responsibility I have right now. We come and operate with the ENT residents... but anything more than that is up to us. I try to stick with them and round with them. One of their patients decannulated herself today! (Took her own trach out) First time I had seen that! Her mom video’d her while she did it too! But, in general my schedule is drastically different than usual.
I am trying to take care of myself a little bit with the relaxed extra time. I am sleeping more. Drinking less coffee. Checking things off my To Do List. Studying more. And in general just trying to enjoy breathing.

Much Love.

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