Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Estoy establecida.

Sometimes, I ask myself if I have anything to say, any thoughts to process or ideas to develop... and come up with nothing.  Sometimes, I'll be honest, I feel embarrassed at how little my life changes.  I mean... I have childhood classmates that have had a career, done a 180 and are now well into their second career. Classmates married and children, like a whole bunch of them. I've even friends that have run so far ahead of me they've already made it home. And I'm just here, case by case. Only thinking ahead to when I get to have my next coffee. You know... small, short term and achievable goals! Everyone should have at least one cup-of-success a day!

But, they aren't new feelings of embarrassment when I have them. The ol' devil has been throwing my face in them long time now. Seeds of discontent and unhappiness that he trys to plant. Got to keep weeding so I can grow where I'm planted.

I just got paged to the floor, 3 pages in 5 minutes. Patient throwing a temper tantrum, because she wants a sandwich. And so on and so forth...

I have been attempting to put together this blog post for some time now, and if it wasn’t a patient’s temper tantrum it was a patient succumbing to the effects of gravity or reacting to an overgrowth of bacteria, either way, there was always something keeping me going. By this morning we had a line of patients waiting for the operating room. I needed to stay and help out the on coming team with case coverage. My arm needs no twisting for that. I was just having an extremely hard time keeping my eyes open this AM. Was bad enough that I fell asleep trying to drink a cup of coffee. cup didn’t even make to my lips. Really had to focus hard to get it to my lips safely and then to coordinate a semi swallow. With time, the caffeine kicked in and I was back in business.

Much Love.

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