Saturday, December 16, 2017

Estoy apurandome.

Some days are better than others. Some weeks. Some years. And then some just can’t seem to catch a break. We have one patient on our list under thoracic surgery. A smart individual would hear this patient’s story and apologize but kindly decline. Except for the fact, that thoracic surgery really was their only chance. Biopsy showed there was no option for medical management. The mass had to be removed, because with the mass the patient could not get their heart transplant. Any way you tried to look at the situation it was either take a chance with surgery or let the disease(s) follow it’s natural course. And frankly, we weren’t caught in a corner yet, no one even mentioned ‘give up.’ So we went to the OR. I had attended a conference that morning to present some research and was just leaving when my chief texted asking if I was done yet. This was followed by three lines.
Our patient is coding.
Doing compressions.
Please come to room 8.

Like I said, some just can’t seem to catch a break. Our patient was placed on pumps, tubes and lines and taken to the ICU. Case aborted. The following day the patient’s chest was opened for more tubes and lines. We took the opportunity of an open chest and tried again for the lung mass, successful removal this time. Next step, heart transplant. Well… we’ll get there eventually.  

So next time you’re having a bad day… it could be worse.

Much Love.

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