Saturday, May 13, 2017

Estoy grabando las vacaciones.

I've a few videos to share from vacation thus far.

First, my nephews put on an impromptu performance. Which hymn sings about treasure hunting in the jungle... I'm not quite sure. But Peter, went on for a good 10-15 minutes without pause. Even after Lincoln eventually dropped out. His amazing ability to freestyle.. not something I can claim he got from me ;)

First portion of driving with Alison Mangold. Tarzan soundtrack definitely a favorite of the trip, when she wasn't relaxing ;)

I took a video of our seaplane take-off from Dry Tortugas from the vantage point of my co-pilot seat. Unfortunately, it's the left side of the plane which gets the good aerial view of Dry Tortugas so I don't get it in the video as I was on the right side after take-off.

Much Love.

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