Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Estoy cuidando los bebes.

There is a baby girl at the hospital right now. She's two years old so more of the toddler age, but I still call her my baby. I see her every morning.  I see her because she's had two liver transplants in the past, and that's the thing about transplant services.  They follow their patient's until they go home, and then they keep following them. My baby's belly wasn't feeling too good and that's why we started considering surgical intervention once again. I was against it, and when they told me to book her for surgery when I was among friends again I protested. Proclaimed that I would refuse to scrub in on her surgery. But the night before, when my chief asked me what surgery I wanted to do the following day...  I couldn't let someone else take her.  If she had to go to surgery, I was going to be there with her.

Much Love.

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