Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Estoy caminando.

Was going to blog yesterday.  I got as far as pushing the power button on my computer.  And was next waking up 20 minutes later, computer on my lap blinking up at me waiting for its next command.

So I put myself to bed instead.

Working my way through a week of nights. I don't really like doing nights at St. Vincent's.  When you're on nights, you're basically the only one on the trauma/surgery service for the whole hospital (depending on who the senior is that night).  It's getting better each night, as I gain more experience with each night.  But I'm still walking around the whole night holding my breath, and jumping each time the pager goes off immediately assuming it's a trauma coming in.

In my experience thus far, the moment I get called to a trauma, happens to be the exact same moment all the patient's on the floor tend to have their problems. So even if I haven't gotten called to a trauma yet, I'm trying to frantically get as much done as possible, to prevent floor pages.  Although, thus hasn't worked. Last night had started off rather quiet, strangely enough.  Hadn't heard anything from anyone really all night.  Had even been able to go and round myself on all the patients on the surgical floor.  And then a trauma comes in and literally within two minutes I've got about 5 pages backed up on my pager.  Just the worst timing ever.  A whole hour with no pages, and everyone decides to start paging me the second I can no longer respond.

Okay. Can't. Keep. Eyes. Open.

Good night!

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