Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Estoy preocupada.

I was reading an article today entitled "Why some injection drug users lick their needles: A preliminary survey. " I had been prompted to seek out this information by, of course, real life. Having now read the list of collective reasons the various IDU's verbalized as qualifiers worthy enough to justify such unhygienic behavior, I can only shake my head. I do not understand. 

I do not understand the practice, and even moreso, do not understand the practice being significant enough to warrant a group of investigators formulating, implementing and carrying out a study on the subject. The results meriting publication in the International Journal of Drug Policy in 2008. 

No, I have never tried it, never experienced the high that is sought as a priority over relationships, over financial stability, over health, and yes even over life at times. Could you say that disqualifies me from understanding? Perhaps. But then again, does anyone truly understand the seemingly alternate reality these fellow human beings live in? Sure, they can give a reason, a justification, but the very nature of the drug itself which they are justifying leaves them without; an emptiness even they would be feign to deny. They'd have to admit even they themselves don't understand. 

But I'll digress, before feathers perhaps get ruffled. The lesson I am taking, perspectives are important to recognize. Even perspectives, that try as we might, we are unable to understand. It illustrates the grandiosity, the illustriousness or the prestige of the lies the Evil One can create, to which all of us, including myself, are susceptible.

Much Love.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Estoy apreciando las flores silvestres.

 The wildflowers have been beautiful this year. Despite growing up in the MidWest, I scan through my memories and come up with nothing more than appreciating the lone Queen Anne's Lace that would grow along the 2-mile block we'd ride/run North of Gridley. Makes me wonder if my appreciation of nature was in the past short-sighted or just for some reason, this year is in fact especially bounteous. Secretly hoping for the later... But either way, I run along the county roads West of Brookston now and the butterflies flutter round me, startled from their chosen flower. 

As Jake and I begin tackling the questions and decisions in these beginning steps towards long-term missions, I start to see the mountains ahead, waiting for us to climb. It makes me appreciate this time we have together right now a little bit more. Mountains bring their own challenges and joys. I've climbed many mountains together with Jesus in the past, and now together with Jake the three of us will climb many more. I am thankful for those occasional pauses God blesses us with. Those moments to appreciate the wild flowers. 

Stoller family photos 2024 (amongst the wildflowers!)

couldn't resist including this one.

Loved this one of Chelli with the boys!
Some of my favorites taken of just Jake & I.

My favorite picture from the whole shoot. 
Bonus picture from the evening. Took this one myself as requested by Lincoln!

Much Love.