Saturday, May 4, 2019

Estoy fingiendo.

I made a trip into the city yesterday, on mission to attend the Northeast Surgical Society meeting. Mission successful, I stayed as long and as short as appropriate before escaping again. While everyone else was busy socializing and enjoying cocktail hour, I rolled up my poster and slipped out. The doorman the only one to bid farewell and be so acknowledged in return as I left the Cornell Club. I get such a kick out of my life sometimes. I never pictured myself here, nor would have guided myself here on my own. Yet those where definitely my heels tacking down the sidewalk towards Grand Central Terminal.
As I walked to my car from the train, eager as I was to return home, I paused a moment longer to appreciate the fog rolling up the Hudson River.

 My co-residents, Monica and Clara and I, all found a rare day when we were all able to enjoy daylight hours away from the hospital. We purchased a group-on and went climbing. It was fantastic fun and I can't wait to go again... just to find the time. 

 Clara, Monica, me

No knot slippage here! Climbing?... Climb on!

Much Love!

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